This article explains how to use our countdown generator to create a basic countdown that can be customized using CSS.
To create a countdown, copy and paste the following macro into any content or code on your site:
{#macro run misc\countdown:view=main}
Next, customize the code by adding parameters. Here's an example of adding the ID parameter to the macro:
{#macro run misc\countdown:view=main,id=test}
The following parameters are available to this macro:
ID: accepts any value text value with no spaces
Defines the HTML id for the countdown. Important if there is more than one on the page.
Default: "divCountdown"
StackSmall: accepts true, false
Allows for the countdown to stack the days,months,hours, and seconds on small screens
Default: "false"
Caption: accepts any text value
Generates a caption at the top of the countdown.
Default: <empty>
EndDate: accepts any valid date/time format
Sets the end date for the countdown.
Default: <30 days from now>
Action: accepts close, redirect
Tells the countdown what to do when it finishes counting down.
Default: <blank>
Permalink: accepts any valid permalink from your website
If you are using the redirect action, this is the permalink your visitor will be redirected to when the countdown completes.
Default: "/"
Version 1.5 • Last Updated 8/4/2023 4:49:21 AM